Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Talk Out Loud: Shutterbug biting again…


I never would have imagined that I could do it so fast. Last week, I was not even near my previous record of 1.7km. Yet, I managed to hit 2km yesterday and somehow, I believe I can push it some more…

Still, believing that I have done enough for my training, I slow down and stopped. Alas, I suddenly felt some pain on my ankle. It was painful as I still need to walk that one last lap to cool down and drive back home… Luckily, it is not as bad as I have thought

Monday, April 13, 2009

The week that was...

Talk Out Loud: Ny mum said that I am moody these few days... is it? If yes, maybe I didnt have enough sleep...


The weekend that was...

I am RM220 poorer on Saturday... The story started during the weekdays when I suddenly realize that my car's air-con system is not working properly. There are wind that come out but just the type of cooling that I usually get... Thus, on Saturday, I decided to bring my car for a check somewhere, instead of sleeping which I really need... I was driving my car around and when I noticed an open shop with the word Air-Con, I just parked my car at the front of the shop and ask one of the fella there to help me check it out... After a while, he gave me a diagnosis and told me how much I need to pay... RM220! Whattudo! I need that air-con...

Sunday start with dhamma discussion in KCBA with the committee members of DYC2009. For someone that started preparing the topic to talk about the day before, it is really a miracle... haha... I asked for feedback afterwards and they say it was good enough... I believe it can be better...

Have BKT with them after the meeting. We went for the Fey Kay BKT in Bayu... Not sure how they feel about the BKT here but I love it...

Verdict: Highly recommended!

Went for steamboat with family for dinner and we tried the Ori Crab Steamboat near Klang Parade... Nothing to shout about... In fact, the soap for both chicken and tomyam are mere miserable... We ordered for three person and the stuff that they gave is not enough at all... (We usually order for three and that would make us very full by the time we finish). I have to order an extra dish...

Verdict: I wont recommend anyone to go... just not worth it...

Monday, April 06, 2009

988 Cruiser @ Klang

Talk Out Loud: Seriously thinking about getting a camera bag... but it is gonna cost me a fortune... Should I???


What started out as a photo-shooting trip went totally different yesterday...

Initially, I was thinking of driving to Tanjung Sepat or Bagan Lalang to take some photos of sunset or anything... But while I was just starting out on my journey, I heard on the radio that the 988's Happy Cruiser is here in Klang (actual position at that time is at Station 1, behind Klang Parade).

As I have never been to their "stop" before (I met up with the MyFM's Cruiser and's Cruiser before), I turn my wheel around and get there as soon as possible... Not sure why but there werent much of people there. Nevertheless, it is still fun having able to see them.

There are three cruisers this time but I only remember one of their name: Karen. She looks very cute...

Karen is the one on the right!

Anyway, I got a bottle of Twister's Orange Juice, a magazine (Reno and Deco), a RM50 voucher from Miko Hair Studio (who want this? I dont have the need for it just yet) and some car stickers...

So, this is another first for this year, I guess...

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Run, Alex, Run

Talk Out Loud: I realized that alot of people still visit my old blog... Guess, I should continue running it and the new one as well...


I am sorry if I disappointed you but this is not a post about an upcoming movie or something.

Instead, this is a post about running.

Yes, running as in using your two (under utilized) legs to move yourself from one place to another in a faster pace than your usual walking speed.

It is very hard to believe but I am sure that most of you who are reading this, have not been running recently. Yeah, maybe that 5 meters dash to catch a lift but that hardly count as running.

By no mean, if you want to consider it a decent run, at least try to do a 400m run... If you want to do a 100m run, by all means do it but dont tell me you are going to take your time to do it... 100m is meant for speed and you should be running as fast as you can in it...

But if you are going to run further, then it is okay to conserve abit of energy but run at a constant good speed.

What I am trying to say here is that life goes on no matter what you do (or didnt). Would you rather just sit there all day and do nothing or would you try to do something about it while you still can?

I used to be someone who just sit around throughout the day but I decided to change it early last year. Instead of doing nothing for myself, I start picking up activities that would benefit me somehow...

And one of the activities that I took up is running. Many of my friends didnt know but I have been running since the beginning of last year... In the beginning, I can hardly do 100m, even when I am jogging very slowly. But as times goes by (with constant run), I managed to improve my stamina alot (compare to the starting time) and somehow help in keeping my body fit (although there is still alot more that I can do to improve my body).

But after some injuries in the middle of last year, my running frequency become less and less. In the end, the running has been replace by badminton session...

Recently however, I found out that badminton alone couldnt help me get my body to a better shape. When a friend suggest that I start running again, I decided to give it a try, this time a more serious determination...

Currently, I am running twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday, after work. It was kinda hard initially as I found out that my stamina has went back to the bare minimum level but again, with constant run, I have managed to do three laps without stopping.

For those who run alot, I know this is nothing much but for me, it is a good progress. But I am not going to satisfy here... I am hoping that by the end of the year, I can do 10 laps without stopping. That would be another one of my aims for this year...

So, have you been working on your aims lately?

Sunset @ Bukit Malawati (HDR)