Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Whispers: The temple near my home is having a celebration. They are having concert and I cant get my sleep at least until 12.00am... Sigh.


Exercising was not a part of my life previously. But when my weight exceed the 67kg mark last year (which was more than my dad's), I started to freak out.

I was determined to get back into a better shape and weight when I started doing some basic exercise. The first one that I took up was sit-up, which I still do up to today. In less than 2 months, I managed to reduce my weight to 64kg (a massive 3kg reduction which was also a very strong motivation).

Eventually, I began to fill in my spare time with more type of exercises and for now, I am doing the following:
  • Sit-up (everyday)
  • Squating (everyday)
  • Stairs climbing (everyday from Ground floor to 5th floor, twice a day)
  • Badminton (every Tuesday; hope to add in a Friday as well)
  • Jogging (Saturday or Sunday evening)
  • Tai-Chi Chuan (Sunday Morning)
Dont be shock with the list above as I do skip some of them every now and then. Some people would say that I am a exercise freak right now but with the result showing that I can be better, I couldnt be bother about it.

As for the record, I am currently about 62.5kg and I believe I still have a long way to go...

My ultimate aim is to hit and maintain my weight at 60kg and to build up more muscle than fats (yes, I still have some but at least my tummy is flat liao... haha)

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